Dwayne Bravo bid an emotional farewell to the Chennai Super Kings as he announced his departure from the franchise to take on the role of mentor at the Kolkata Knight Riders for the upcoming IPL season. Bravo, who had been serving as the bowling coach for CSK since 2023 following his retirement from playing for the yellow brigade in 2022, has now stepped into the shoes of Gautam Gambhir at KKR. Gambhir, who guided KKR to a championship victory in his first season as mentor, had to step down from the role after taking on the head coach position for Team India.
Bravo, who will turn 41 next month, retired from all forms of cricket after sustaining a groin injury in the Caribbean Premier League.
Bravo, who has won four titles - three as a player and one as a member of the support staff - with CSK, is still the franchise's highest wicket-taker with 154 wickets in 130 matches.
Addressing the CSK fans, Bravo said, "It is not a secret now that the news is out that I have accepted the deal to be the mentor of the Knight Riders franchise. Just want to take this time to give a special mention and a special thank you to the CSK management team for giving me their blessings to move on to do something that I am really passionate about," Bravo said.
"My fans in Chennai and to all the CSK fans around the world, I call on you to give me your blessings and support as you always do. I know this is a sad moment for you guys, but it is one that I encourage you to continue to support me in everything that I do. Lot's of love, yellove, all the time. See you guys soon. See you on the other side," he added.
Bravo's stint with KKR will be his second coaching role in the cash-rich league. He joined the Chennai Super Kings in 2011, retired from the franchise in 2022, and in 2023 joined the five-time champions as the bowling coach.
The renowned West Indies all-rounder lifted four IPL titles with CSK in different roles. The decorated Caribbean star is the third-highest wicket-taker in IPL history with 183 scalps and also the first player to win two purple caps in the tournament in 2013 and 2015.
Bravo excited for new challenges at KKRAlong with KKR, Bravo was also looking after the other Knight franchises, Trinbago Knight Riders (CPL), Los Angeles Knight Riders (MLC) and Abu Dhabi Knight Riders (ILT20).
Bravo is enthusiastic for the new chapter that is going to unfold in his life and said, "I've been part of the Trinbago Knight Riders for the last 10 years in the CPL. Having played for and against the Knight Riders in various leagues, I have a lot of respect for how they operate. The owners' passion, the professionalism of the management, and the family-like environment make it a special place. This is the perfect platform for me as I transition from playing to mentoring and coaching the next generation of players."
Over his illustrious career, he has played 582 T20 matches, taken 631 wickets, and scored nearly 7,000 runs. With more championship wins than any other cricketer.
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