New Delhi: The first match of the four-match T20I series between India and South Africa took place in Durban on Friday night. Team India emerged victorious in this match, defeating South Africa by 61 runs and securing a 1-0 lead in the series. However, tensions rose at the end of the match as Indian captain Suryakumar Yadav and South African player Marco Jansen engaged in a heated argument on the field. The umpire had to step in to defuse the situation. Suryakumar Yadav, known for his jovial nature on the field, surprised fans with his intense confrontation. As a result of the altercation between Suryakumar and Marco Jansen, Sanju Samson scored a century in the first innings.
This incident is from the 15th over of South Africa’s innings. On the second ball of the over, Gerald Coetzee took a run by playing a front shot. To catch the fielder’s throw, Sanju Samson mistakenly went to the middle of the pitch which is also called the ‘danger zone’. Marco Jansen looked unhappy with Samson’s action and he said a few words to the Indian wicketkeeper.
Seeing Marco Jansen doing this, captain Suryakumar Yadav intervened to defend his player. During this, there was a heated argument between Jansen and Suryakumar Yadav. Before the leg umpire’s intervention, Suryakumar Yadav was also seen angrily explaining something to Gerald Coetzee. Fans rarely get to see such an angry form of Suryakumar Yadav.
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— Drizzyat12Kennyat8 (@45kennyat7PM) November 8, 2024
Talking about the match, Team India, who lost the toss and came out to bat first, scored 202 runs on the board for the loss of 8 wickets in the stipulated 20 overs on the basis of Sanju Samson’s century. Samson scored a brilliant innings of 107 runs, hitting his second consecutive T201 century. Apart from him, Tilak Verma was the only Indian to cross the 30-run mark, scoring 33 runs.
Chasing the target of 203 runs, the host team was reduced to a score of 141 in 17.5 overs. No South African batsman touched the 30-run mark during this period. Ravi Bishnoi and Varun Chakraborty took 3-3 wickets for India. Sanju Samson was awarded the Player of the Match award for his excellent innings.
The second match of the series will be played on November 10 at Gqeberha.